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Woman Veteran Owned Business

Dr. Dulce Walker, O. D.

Spain Professional Plaza
8205 Spain Rd NE, Ste 207
Albuquerque, NM 87109

For a free phone consultation call 505-453-4914
Home » Doctor » Testimonials


02/17/25 Darryl Adamson

My going to Dr Walker was a game changer for my vision!

I have lost most vision in my right eye and have about 65% in my left eye. After a through exam she was able to prescribe me some glasses with telescopic ability for distance vision and also incorporating bifocal for reading! At 74 I am still very active and enjoy hiking the trails. With my new glasses I have the ability to check the trail ahead determining my best path or if it is too difficult. Wow what a difference for the better! Plus I can also read my cell phone data very easy without needing to change glasses on the trail!

Thank you Dr walker!!

01/17/25 Nancy Zeckendorf

I was fortunate to find Dr. Dulce Walker who specializes in low vision therapy. I have been pleased with the special instruments provided by her which help me tremendously with my ability to read. Also she provided me with special glasses which have enhanced my vision for television and experience with live theatre.


Nancy Zeckendorf

(This review was submitted on behalf of Ms. Zeckendorf)

Nancy Zeckendorf, small town Big Dreams
Nancy Zeckendorf

01/06/25 Stuart Stein

I lost all vision in my right eye and the lower half of my left eye from NAION. It cannot be treated or cured. This would be tragic at any age but at 78 it is much harder to adapt and overwhelming. It impacts every facet of your life.

As my world suddenly became smaller, I sought help in attempting to use every bit of my remaining vision in the most effective way possible. Dr. Walker was the answer to that quest.

Dr. Walker did a thorough exam and knew exactly how to help me. The new glasses she prescribed expanded my peripheral vision in my left eye and, incredibly, raised my field of vision up so that I don’t have to bend my head down to see the lower range of vision. I read better and walk more assuredly.

If you suffer from any vision loss, please help yourself, family and friends and visit Dr. Walker to explore every avenue to improve your remaining sight to the greatest extent possible.

Stuart Stein

09/17/24 Lana Bobele

Hi Dr. Walker,

I love the telescope glasses, my garden has expanded and taking a walk in it is an experience that I thought was lost. The TV glasses took a little longer ( a weekend), I now love them too. I watched everything from Youtube to football and I am grateful for the clarity.

Thank you again for all your help.


09/12/24 George Benson

The reading glasses were delivered and George is using them. He was able to read the newspaper for the first time in many months!

Thank you
Joyce Newman (wife)

06/10/24 Carol Oslund


Carol Oslund

06/03/24 Aaron Liebman

Dr. Walker availed herself of all potential visual aids–most, if not all, not offered by conventional optometrists–for our mother’s macular degeneration. In the end, she prescribed and provided telescopic glasses which enhanced mom’s distance vision so that she could enjoy television and discern detail that she hadn’t seen in years. She also offered solutions for her near vision which Mom declined only because of her preference of holding reading material in her hands. From start to finish, Dr. Walker was kind, compassionate, patient and diligent. We left knowing that she had done everything she could and had exhausted all possibilities to improve our mother’s vision.

Aaron Liebman

05/07/24 Rebecca Singband

So impressed with Dr. Walker. She is amazing. I would recommend her to anyone with low vision problems. She is extremely knowledgeable and was wonderful to my 95 year old father. He thought she was so professional, smart and nice to be with. I highly recommend Dr. Walker.

Rebecca Singband

04/18/24 Jerome E. Goss, M.D.

My consultations with Dr. Walker have been outstanding. She is very well informed in her field of eye care and explains well each step of the information she covers. Her examinations are very thorough and the results are explained in understandable language. There are many devices available to assist a patient with reduced vision. She has examples of most, and explains very well the pros and cons of each, and answers all questions.

Jerome E. Goss

03/27/24 MKB

Dr. Walker was helpful and gave me reassurance.


03/19/24 JS

Dr. Walker was knowledgeable, professional, and extremely helpful.


02/17/24 Tom Cameron

Hi Dr. Walker this is Tom Cameron.

I just wanted to let you know that I did indeed get the magnifier on Friday and it’s a real game changer, so I wanted to thank you very much and I really appreciate it, You have a great day.

Thank you bye-bye

Tom Cameron

01/26/24 Robert Maus

A great appointment! Answered all our questions, provided excellent education. We learned a lot during our visit and felt that Dr. Walker was very focused on providing outstanding care.

Robert Maus

08/15/2023 P. Massad

A new & delightful experience.

As a caregiver to a very astute and deserving person, I recently accompanied a 94 year old gentleman to an appointment with Low Vision of NM. I had never heard of LV of NM until I personally spoke with Dr. Walker in preparation for his appointment. Dr. Walker was asking me to help her patient bring everything to his first appointment that would help her understand what he uses and reads on a daily basis.

The appointment was enlightening to me to see Dr. Walker in action to determine what her patient does to find some ease and comfort to see better. This has been a very frustrating moment to moment journey for him daily as he struggles to see with one available eye.

Dr. Walker introduced him to the Explore 5, which gave him a new and hopeful ability to see everything he’s been struggling with for a very long time. It continues to delight him as he learns and experiments with ways to help him see better. The other new hope will be the special eye glasses he’s awaiting. I feel these glasses will complete his new vision transformation.

I really appreciate Dr. Walker’s unique skills bringing in a new and exciting world of hope to many who are forgotten and left to only wonder what it would be like to better see our beautiful world.

P. Massad

05-18-23 J. Martinez

I had low vision issues after cataract surgery, that left me with a scotoma (blind spot in one eye that left central acuity diminished. It was difficult to drive and see anything clearly further than 5 feet. Dr. Walker gave me a thorough exam and gave me the best prescription I’ve ever had. She then prescribed the special telescopic spectacles to help with distance vision. Dr. Walker gave me my independence back to venture out with confidence. I highly recommend her services. Don’t suffer in silence. You’d be surprised how her knowledge and experience can make a difference for you!

Thank you Dr. Walker.

J. Martinez

03-03-23 Dottie Connnors

I played majhong with my telescopes. I call them my “Cyclops” and I managed to win 1 game!!! It will take time getting use to it but I’m optimistic. I also try to remember the 3 P’s:

1. Patience
2. Practice
3. Persistence

Thank you so much for all your help.

Dottie Connnors

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02-28-23 Maya

Maya has retinal dystrophy and is wearing a 4X VES-Sport II bioptic telescope to see distance and near.

Her vision is normally 20/200 at distance and 20/100 at near. Looking through the telescopes she sees 20/30 at distance and 20/20 at near !!!!

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02-09-23 Lauren Emes

1.7X Reverse telescope expands Lauren Emes peripheral vision due to glaucoma.

Lauren Emes

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02-16-23 Vince C.

I thank you for your assistance with my vision and the professional time you spent in finding the correct solutions for my vision problems. I was referred to you by my ophthalmologist.

He highly recommended I come to you for help on how to best help me with my declining vision problems.

You immediately made me feel comfortable with your methods of treating my vision problem. You discussed the alternative ways that could be used to correct my eyes to have better vision.

I want you to know that I appreciate all of your professional help and sincerely thank you for assisting me to have as normal vision as possible.


Vince C.

1-16-23 Larry Herweg

Excellent doctor-patient communication. Very helpful and understandable explanations of vision exam results and equipment demonstration.

Most up-to-date equipment displayed has been tested and hand-picked by the doctor for quality and usefulness for various needs.

Never rushed even though a lot of things covered in a short amount of time. Very professional.

Larry Herweg

01-11-23 Judy Ciotti

I wanted to extend my gratitude to the low vision clinic with Dr. Walker.

I have glaucoma and visiting her and being introduced to the optical devices have helped me greatly. Although my vision is poor her help has given me the option of definite improvement. My daily living skills are less difficult with the help of the special magnification.

I would recommend to anyone with low vision to take advantage of her services.

Judy Ciotti
Santa Fe New Mexico

12-22-22 Maria Serrat

8X microscope to read and text on her iPhone

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3X wide-angle telescope to see at a distance especially to read Room numbers

12-19-22  Mary Levy

4X VES-Sport II telescope

Wow! I can’t believe that I can see!!! I can see outside! The cars across the street and road signs. I can walk and not be afraid of falling because the tint gives me better contrast. I can open doors when entering a building because I’m not fumbling trying to find the door. I can see inside the building to find the stairs, elevators and room numbers. This is awesome and shame on me for thinking nothing can help.

This Christmas I’ll be able to see everything and everyone!!! You’re amazing Dr. Walker. Thank you for this wonderful present!

Mary Levy

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11-09-22 Dr. Edward Bramlitt

1.7X monocular full-diameter telescope

I can now enjoy watching all the college football games and Tucker Carlson. I’m going on a cruise after Christmas and I’ll be able to see the shows.

Thank you Dr. Walker.

Dr. Edward Bramlitt

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11-17-22 Oswaldo Vasquez

Wearing a 2.2X bioptic wide-angle telescope for driving

Oswaldo Vasquez

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12-08-22 Betty Hansen

The telescopes will allow me to enjoy watching television again. I’ll be able to see details better. With Christmas approaching, I’ll see all the Christmas lights and decorations!!!

Betty Hansen

Betty Hansen

10-22-22 Betty Hansen

The Explore 5 handheld electronic magnifier is wonderful. It helps me read my medicine bottles, insurance statements, newspaper and instructions.

Thank you Dr. Walker!!!

Betty Hansen

8-22-22 Terri Chavez

I’m so happy with my telescopes!!! I can see my grandkids playing outside in the fields with the horses. I take them on our outings to spot the coyotes and all the wildlife. At night, we look at the stars and planets. These times that I spend with my grandkids are so special.

The telescopes also help with reading the signs when I’m driving.

Thank you Dr. Walker!!!

Terri Chavez

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Wearing a 2.2X bioptic telescope for seeing neighbors and her backyard

Bioptic telescopes


06-21-22 Don Hammond

“I am 77 years old and have Dry AMD. I purchased Telescopic Glasses and the Explorer 12 from Dr Walker; I use the Glasses for watching TV from 20 feet back and that helps with Picture Quality. I use the Explorer 12 for reading mail and doing my bills. Both devices have improved my ability to function without help.”


don hammond 1 min
don hammond 2 min

06-21-22 Walter Archuleta

Wearing a 1.7X bioptic telescope

Wearing a Bioptic

walter archuleta

06-20-22 Bryan Ortiz

I am writing to express what wonderful experiences I have had with Dr. Dulce Walker and Low Vision of New Mexico.

She has Provided excellent low vision glasses and equipment That have been life-changing. She has also provided excellent counsel for me in the low vision arena.

05-18-22 Maria Henderson

Maria Henderson wearing 2.2X bioptic telescope

Maria Henderson

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04-09-22 David Frankham

“I just wanted to tell all my Facebook friends that after years of increasingly blurred vision, due to macular degeneration, I’m now able to see my big screen TV, and even faces of people I’m talking to, quite remarkably well.

This is due to the great skill of Dr. Dulce Pontaoe Walker, New Mexico’s low vision specialist (Low Vision of New Mexico) After a series of tests, she has devised glasses for me with a built-in magnifying binocular lens that increases my vision to, say, that of a 70-year-old (instead of my actual 96 years).

So please join in a rousing BRAVO to the brilliant Dr. Dulce!”

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04-08-22 MP

“Dr. Walker gives her patient her full time and attention without any hurry. She works with you and for you to obtain the best results possible to enhance your visual compatibility.”

03-30-22 Stephanie Vencil

“I love these glasses because I can see and read the closed captions on the television.”

stephanie vencil

03-04-22 Julie Vollmer

“This is amazing. I can see faces very clearly.”

julie vollner min

04-01-22 Dave Malery (aka Richard)

“Hi Dr. Walker,

I just wanted to update you with my progress. The glasses really work! I got my license back after 3.5 years!!! I’m very HAPPY indeed!

Thanks so much,
Dave Malery (aka Richard)”

02-22-22 Dave Malery (aka Richard)

“I have not been able to read a book or magazine for three+ years until yesterday. Thanks Dr. Walker!”

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2-08-2022 Dan Doughty

“Dr. Walker was very helpful in our evaluation appointment. She is knowledgeable, resourceful, kind and patient. She is an excellent resource for people with AMD.”

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1-17-22 Harold Wheelock

“The Explore 12 is incredible and great! I was able to write two checks today and write a letter to my son. Definitely makes my life a 1000 times better. It’s a Life Changer!!! Thank you Dr. Walker!”

10-22-21 Dr. Zawadzki

“Thank you for your patience & excellent service.”

10-08-21 Paul Day
2.2xbioptic telescopes for driving
paul day 2
paul day 1

08/27/21 Gwendolyn Ellis
gwendolyn ellis bi prismatic for reading
gwendolyn ellis bioptic telescope for distance
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07-12-21 David Hise

bioptic telescope

(wide angle) bioptic telescope

07-01-21 Barbara Stanley

Low Vision patient

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06-28-21 Tina Kelbe

While I was hesitant for this appt thinking it would be all bad news I appreciated your time and explaining each step. You were so kind & helpful and I thank you.

06-23-21 Wayne Maley

Dr. Walker,
I appreciate the extensive information you provided about my macular degeneration problems. I particularly appreciated your insights with detail that I had not learned from the optometrist. It was good to learn that focusing at 3:00 gives me a reasonable chance for close work.

In explaining to my exercise group why I was not at the session last week, I told them that I learned about what my eyes are seeing. Your demonstrations were most meaningful to learn the effectiveness of light and magnification options. The chance to use the equipment was a real plus. I have heard of no other place where the latest and newest electronic and mechanical aids can be tried.

You have been helpful. It was a pleasure to become acquainted with your contributions to the low vision folks of New Mexico.

06-01-21 Ronnie Duran

2.2 bioptic telescope

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04-16-2021 Alan Wagman

I called Dr. Walker for a free consultation. Frankly, I expected to hear, “Oh, yes, I can help you. When do you want to come in?” Instead, Dr. Walker listened, suggested some things I could do for myself and some things my regular eye doctor could do for me. I got what I needed from my regular doctor, thanks to Dr. Walker. I trust her to know her stuff and do what’s right. If and when my regular doctor cannot help, I will not hesitate to see her.

04-6-2021 Pauline Sargent

Dr. Walker knows her stuff! That is the many new devices that are available for those of us with vision problems. And she has all of the equipment needed to assess patients. And she is very friendly.

03-2021 Oma Garcia

“Dear Dr. Walker, I cannot thank you enough for the results of our visit to your office for my mother’s appointment. My mother is 87 years old and suffers from Macular Degeneration. She is the care provider for my Father who is 91 years old and suffers from Dementia. Her eyesight is critical for her day to day activity and she was losing her abilities and self-confidence to care for her husband.

The two hour visit to your office gave my mother what she was praying for and that was hope and options to improve her eyesight. Your expertise, patience and continuous challenging her to keep trying options showed her she did have options and tools to allow her to see better. The various eye tests performed showed my mother what capabilities she still has and what she has control over.

The new eye prescription, use of reader glasses use of proper lighting and magnification recommended for her specific conditions were exactly what she needed. Most importantly she left your office with self-confidence and hope. Thank you so much from our entire family. My mother is telling her friends and family what a great experience she had with you. The Garcia Family thanks you!”

Testimonial—Oma Garcia (1) min
Testimonial—Oma Garcia min

02-2021 Ginger Foerster

Dr. Walker was knowledgeable and professional. I appreciate her patience and thoroughness.

01-2021 Richard Chavez

Dr. Walker was very professional and helpful. I got a prescription that I can see with, and other things that help greatly.

01-2021 Patsy Fiero

Happy Low Vision Patient Can See Clearly Low Vision of New Mexico YouTube

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12-20-2020 Millie Tjeltweed

“Surviving Cabin Fever”
Twice a day I go outside
And walk the garden free,
From books, TV and busywork
To see what I can see.
I see tortoises and flowers,
But I’m sure you will agree
When I sit beside the pool and watch
Nature does wonderful things for me.
Fat robins run across the grass
To get away from me..
Pigeons and doves take a bath.
No dirty birds have we.
Hummingbirds dart here and there
As busy as can be.
Dragonflies glide all about
Like jewels for me to see.
Butterflies dip and swirl
Like dancers on the breeze.
Little birds come take a drink,
As fish swim lazily.
So when cloistered life gets you down,
Weighing on you heavily
Wear your mask, and come outside
And sit six feet from me
And let sweet repose and nature
Set your spirit free.

millie tjeltweed

12-07-2020 Braldt Bralds

Recently I had an eye appointment with Dr. Walker, which turned out to be one of the most positive, hopeful doctor visits that I’ve had in years.

Many years ago, I was diagnosed with a rare DNA-related macular degeneration condition, and have been struggling with eyesight issues for several decades. I saw sever highly qualified retina specialists, in pursuit of treatment; the inevitable response has always basically been, “There is nothing we can do for you to improve your situation.”

During this period of time I moved from Holland to the United States, working as a free-lance illustrator. I was fortunate to become an internationally recognized, illustrator, and had a great career. Through it all I ‘worked around’ my eye condition. But at one point I had a traumatic setback with my vision, and couldn’t paint. Although things improved somewhat weeks after that
episode, my sight remained very compromised. And at that point my condition was pinpointed as Best Disease, an atypical dry form of macular degeneration. I continued through the years to seek out any avenues of resolution or improvement for my condition with highly respected specialists, supplements, and acupuncture, with very limited short-term results.

Dr. Walker, who specializes in ‘low vision’ employs an approach to bring lost and severely compromised vision back to her clients by designing specialized, individually customized glasses. The initial test results with her insight and equipment that I experienced in my visit with her have give me great hope, and I eagerly await this new chapter in my pursuit of improved vision.

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10-14-20 Alice Morgan

My DaVinci Pro HD/OCR makes me smile!! Since I purchased the DaVinci I can do things I haven’t done in a long time with more independence. I can see things with the DaVinci that there is no way I could have seen them before. It is important for me to be able to make words as large as I need to.

I can pay my bills without asking somebody what it says and I can also write my checks. I really like the aspect that the DaVinci can read anything to me. For the first time in years, I can listen to magazines or books with ease. I can also check my hair and makeup with the DaVinci! Life is a little brighter and happier with my DaVinci.

10-07-20 Marian Baca

I give 5 stars to Dr. Walker!!! I was needing stronger magnifiers to read my recipe cards, cookbooks, bills, and the price tags and nutritional facts on boxes when grocery shopping. She was very patient and through to find me the correct ones. I love the Explore 5 and my pendant magnifier. I’m very grateful.

8-27-20 Dr. Reinhardt

To all it may concern,

I have been very happy with the support from Dr. Walker and the Commission for the Blind. Through the services offered to support my continued employment, I have been able to teach and work for the university as a Professor of Nursing. The occasions where I need to speak before of a classroom of students has been facilitated by the telescoping glasses provided. In addition, the compact device that scans a written document and then reads the document to me has been an excellent device to allow me to read dissertation and project documents turned in to me for evaluation. Without these assistive devices, I would be hard pressed to continue my employment at the University.

The services provided by Dr. Walker to evaluate my macular degeneration and support my vision have assisted me beyond measure. From high power reading glasses to magnifying devices, I have been very pleased with the knowledge and support given.


Dr. Reinhardt

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6-04-20 Charles F Eberle MD

Dear Dulce Walker O.D.


Low Vision of New Mexico –

I would like to share with you my assessment for the recent visit my wife and I made to your office to have an evaluation of possible management options for progressive partial blindness as a consequence of macular degeneration. She had voluntarily stopped driving because of the inability to see potential hazards on the right and has left increasing disability since then, particularly with reading use of the computer. Her medical consultant for her condition record their physical finding but at no time has any offered her options for how she might improve her ability to function, with the exception of using a magnifying glass.

She recently heard of your practice, Low Vision of New Mexico, and attended your office a week ago for your evaluation and recommendations for improvement of function in the visual sphere. I came along as that has been my interest for a few years. Actually I purchased for her an “Enhanced Vision” computer which was at the time impractical and was returned to the company.

Her visit to you included a careful medical evaluation of her visual acuity consistent with those who had previously seen her for the problem, but that was followed by exposing her to a broad range of options that were available to be tried out on-site in the office. Included were flat screen adaptive computers, IPads, and handled devices that could magnify with adjustments on the devices as well as adjustable light sources to enhance the written. She chose a portable device because of the freedom she experienced when she tried it out. She has since found it invaluable at home and she has mentioned to me time and again how much she appreciates that someone has done something for her so she can modify her impairment so that it causes less disability. In my view as a physician, “LOW VISION OF NEW MEXICO” and your enthusiasm towards helping persons to improve function using adaptive equipment is a valuable resource for persons with visual impairment.



1-30-20 T. H. Lee, M. D.

Dr. Walker has helped me tremendously. In our initial consultation, she patiently walked me through all of the options for specific purposes: typing at my computer, reading on my iPad, writing checks and paying bills, watching tv and walking outside.
Now, a few weeks later, I can do things I never thought I could do again!! She even rushed my telescopes so I could watch my team, The Kansas City Chiefs, win the Super Bowl!!!
Dr. Walker is patient and knowledgeable and provides you with a great set of options if you want to see things you weren’t able to see before.

Thank you Dr. Walker!


2-26-20 Ruth E. Francis

Dear Dr. Walker –

I want you to know just how helpful your time with me was and how relieved I was to know that there is a caring optometrist in New Mexico. You are super. I feel that I can now cope with my macular degeneration.

First: Your information pamphlet is the best introduction to you. The yellow background with bold large print font makes it easy to read. The photographs showing clients with their possibilities to improve their vision is reassuring. The costs are clearly stated so that there are no surprises before calling for an appointment. And, your map to your office is clear.

Second: Thank you for the through eye exam and explaining exactly what you were doing and why you were doing it and what you were looking for. Your explanations educated me and you answered all of my questions.

Third: I was surprised there are so many new technologies readily available for those with low vision, that they can adapt which is very helpful to assist us in our everyday life. It reassured me that there are products available if I should need them.

The simple headband with a small LED light for reading was incredible, a simple tool which solved an immediate problem for me – ta, da! You changed my whole way of thinking.

I took your business cards with me to my monthly luncheon with a local authors and publishers group and passed out all of the cards. In the future I will let others know about your office and give them your phone number. The knowledge that you are a specialist in low vision difficulties right here in town created quite a stir.

Thank you so very much for your kindness, patience and expertise.

Ruth E. Francis

ruth francis

7-22-20 Ruth E. Francis

Dear Dr. Walker

I am so glad I found your brochure at the Jefferson Eye Clinic.

You have given me hope for the future.

Thank you for all that you have done for me.

Ruth. E

10-08-19 Yolanda R. Dominguez

Recently Dr. Walker provided an eye exam for my father, Nicolas G. Dominguez. My father was born in 1925. He suffers from macular degeneration. I was very thrilled with the thoughtful and empathetic manner in which Dr. Walker examined my father. He is happy with his new glasses too!

Dr. Walker’s exam was very thorough and she took plenty of time with us. I am very thankful we went to see her for my father’s low vision needs.

Yolanda R. Dominguez

9-03-19 Geraldine Adams

Dr. Walker was a real God-Send for my 97 year old mother-in-law, Geraldine Adams. She is able to again read her Birthday Cards, Christmas Cards and her checkbook. It is truly a miracle to see her read so many things where before she could not see at all and now she can! Thank you Dr. Walker!

– David King
Her dedicated son-in-law


7-07-19 Marlene Goebel

“Thank you for the glasses I bought from you. I am so Happy to have them. They make my painting and reading abilities so much easier. EVEN A LITTLE MEANS A LOT AT THIS STAGE OF MY VISION. It was getting very hard and now it is easier again so THANK YOU!! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! You are a Blessing to me. “

by Marlene Goebel

Marlene Goebel wearing 9.4% LTPS for distance and for painting and reading

Screenshot 2020 03 30 Marlene Goebel wearing 9 4% LTPS for distance and for painting and reading


6-15-19 Mike Bureman

My name is Mike Bureman and I live in Las Cruces, NM. In 2014, following cataract surgery, I was diagnosed with macular degeneration. At that time my condition was the dry kind and all I could do was take special vitamins.

Then in the fall of 2018, my macular degeneration turned wet, and I had to start taking the shots in my eyes every few weeks. After several months of this treatment, I asked the retina specialist who was treating me if there was anything else could do. He recommended that I go see Dr. Dulce Walker, a low vision specialist, in Albuquerque, NM.

Making an appointment with Dr. Walker was one of the best decisions of my life. I found her to be most understanding and empathetic to my condition. Furthermore, I learned that there were several devices available that would help me deal with my condition.

After a lengthy examination, she changed the prescription in my everyday glasses. What a difference. Now I can read books on my iPad without the aid of a magnifier. If the light is bright enough, I can also read other printed material that I could not read before.

She also, along with my wife, convinced me to get a pair of glasses with the little telescopes attached. What a difference those glasses have made in my ability to drive and watch sports on television. And although I was skeptical at first, Dr. Walker encouraged me to try those glasses while playing golf. Now I can even find my golf ball, which I was unable to do before purchasing those special glasses. I will forever be thankful to Dr. Walker. I would encourage anyone who has vision problems that need special attention to make an appointment with Dr. Walker. I promise you will never regret that decision. She is one wonderful doctor, and down right really nice person.

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3-26-19 Albert M. Brettner, DDS

After many refractions and before going to Low Vision NM reading – even in normal lighting – was difficult, slow and required either a magnifying glass or a headlamp. After Dr. Walker’s examination and refraction, I had the prescription filled. Now I read almost without effort, in normal lighting, without the use of a headlamp or magnifying glass.

Albert M. Brettner, DDS

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4-15-19 J.V

Dr. Walker has helped me to see with my visual disability. She has prescribed magnifying glasses that help me to read, which I had great difficulty with before seeing Dr. Walker. The magnifying glasses also help me to work on a computer, scan the newspaper, and write checks. These tasks minimize my disability and restore some independence in my life.
She has also prescribed bioptic glasses that help me to drive. The ability to drive has restored again some independence in my life. I am so thankful for Dr. Walker’s expertise with low vision aids.


2-15-19 Alice M.

Low vision devices have enabled me to do things that I did before my sight significantly diminished. The devices (magnifying glass and Ruby reader) support me to do work on my computer including spreadsheets and word documents as well as browse the internet.

It also helps me to read telephone numbers on my cell phone, my email and all kinds of mail including letters. I really enjoy using the telescopic glasses to enjoy movies, sports events, family outing and of course, television.

Mrs. Alice Morgan

1-04-19 Testimonial

Carlos Sanchez

I am a visually impaired artist with Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) who works with details and intricate designs. In 2014 I started on a new journey as a silversmith and noticed my central vision was failing. I was working on my apprenticeship with the late great Master Silver/Goldsmith, Phil C. Loretto.

By the end of 2015, I was referred to Dr. Dulce Walker by the New Mexico Commission for the Blind because I started to struggle even further to complete my assignments/projects. Dr. Walker was able to correct my central vision to 20/40 and prescribe these “super cool” telescopes, reverse telescopes, that minified objects so I see the details instead of just the outlines.

It also helped increase my field of view on the projects I was working on. My instructor was totally amazed by how I was able to complete all my projects. I am now the founder of Legally Blind Artistry and a co-owner of Galleria de Corrales, an artist owned gallery.

Dr. Walker allowed me to be a better artist and utilize my residual vision to be the best artist I can be. I no longer struggle using an acetylene tank for soldering work or when I’m at my buffing and polishing station.

Last year, Dr. Walker again helped me acquire some “super cool” fashionable sunglasses that block out 98% of the light. The sunglasses help me navigate outdoors safely with confidence because it diffuses the light and makes objects clearer.

When I was running out of hope, Dr. Walker helped me with my visual needs and gave me many options that I never knew existed. Dr. Walker is very passionate about helping visually impaired individuals and understands our needs to continue whatever our heart desires to live a happy and productive life.

As I was re-reading my testimonial, I became teary-eyed. Dr. Walker, you have helped me through so much with my low vision. Thank you!!!

Carlos Sanchez #Legallyblindartistry

Carlos Sanchez Retinitis Pigmentosa 21

12-26-18 Testimonial

Gerald L. Record

This is to speak on behalf of Dr. Dulce Walker of Edgewood, NM., who has been my Low Vision specialist and advisor for over a year.

Dr. Walker made a lengthy, in-depth analysis of my eyes and suggested the use of telescopic glasses to improve my far vision. I now am able to not only to play golf again, but the use of these glasses also helps me to recognize the faces of family and acquaintances which had become a serious problem.

Furthermore, Dr. Walker also ordered a pair of near vision glasses to enable me, with the additional help of RubyXL Freedom, to read and play bridge again, a favorite pass time I had given up.

The quality of my life has improved tremendously since I followed Dr. Walker’s suggestions, I am deeply appreciative of her treatment. I sincerely recommend her and hope that patients with similar poor vision problems will seek her advice and assistance.

With appreciation,

Gerald L. Record


6-24-2021 Square Review

Hans Frauenfelder

Excellent exam and very knowledgeable information on the technology available for low vision patients.

12-09-2020 Square Review

Pamela Hostetler

Very happy with our experience. And listens and does an excellent job!

11-11-2020 Square Review

Alfred Kopszywa

I am always treated like I am the only patient being taken care of.

08-07-2019 Square Review

Patricia Williams

A good experience. Exam was thorough and I was treated with courtesy and
care. I plan on making a purchase.

07-15-2019 Square Review

Howard Kunz

Dr. Walker is very personable making the atmosphere comfortable and inviting.
We learned a lot and would highly recommend her to others.

07-01-2019 Square Review

Shelly Williams

Dr. Walker spent lost of time with my mother and was soooo patient with her.
Absolutely wonderful!

2-06-2020 Video

Happy Macular Degeneration Patient Uses Ocutech Autofocus 4x Falcon To Regain Visual Acuity

Screenshot 2020 03 30 Happy Macular Degeneration Patient Uses Ocutech Autofocus 4x Falcon To Regain Visual Acuity

6-29-2019 Video

Dr. Alfred Martin uses Low Vision Glasses to Drive Again

Screenshot 2020 03 30 Dr Alfred Martin uses Low Vision Glasses to Drive Again

5-08-2019 Video

Achromatopsia patient uses Ocutech Falcon Autofocus to read and see at distance.

Screenshot 2020 03 30 Achromatopsia patient uses Ocutech Falcon Autofocus to read and see at distance

11-14-2018 Video

Retinitis Pigmentosa Patient uses special light to regain visual activity

Screenshot 2020 03 30 Retinitis Pigmentosa Patient uses special light to regain visual activity

Patricia Williams can watch television and recognize faces with 1.7X full diameter telescopes

Screenshot 2020 03 30 Patricia Williams can watch television and recognize faces with 1 7X full diameter telescopes

Happy Low Vision Patient Using DaVinci Pro HD/OCR

Happy Low Vision Patient Using DaVinci Pro HD OCR YouTube

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